
Core Services

The purpose of Palisades Village is to assist residents age fifty and over to preserve the practical means and confidence, as they grow older, to live their lives to the fullest in their own homes in the Berkley, Kent, Foxhall, Palisades, Wesley Heights neighborhoods of Washington, DC. The Core Services of the Palisades Village are performed by an experienced cadre of volunteers. Our goal is to provide timely and professional services for elderly citizens who need care or assistance enabling them to remain in the comfort of their homes as they age.

The following is a sample of the services we provide:

Handyman chores

Friendly visits and contact calls


Reading to the sight impaired

Referrals to vetted paid contractors

Shopping with members

General transportation

Medical transportation

Gardening and yard clean-up (2 hours)

Assistance with electronics and paperwork


The Palisades Village created and is expanding a network of social connections, events, information, and support services for members that will permit us to live conveniently, safely, and happily in our own homes as long as possible.

For any request that cannot be met through our corps of neighborhood volunteers, such as major home repairs, home inspections and home health care needs, Palisades Village will assist you in finding a qualified provider. We use Washington Consumers’ Checkbook ratings for quality and pricing, recommendations gathered from local residents, and our own research. Whenever possible, we will seek, but cannot guarantee, a discount from the vendor.  You will be responsible for payment for commercial or professional services. 

To reach us, call (202) 244-3310 or e-mail. The office is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. At other times, we check e-mail and voice mail periodically. If you leave a message, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.For more information or to join please phone us at (202) 244-3310 or email us at: info@palisadesvillage.orginfo

EMERGENCIES:  In the event of a medical emergency, please call 911 or your doctor.   


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